Dudes Talking About Netball

February 17, 2016 - 9 years ago

Basically, Netball is a girls sport. Or so they say. We have plenty of dudes that play in our Fast5 league that simply, cannot get enough. They love it. But don't take our word for it, we think it's better if you hear it from the horses mouth... so alas…

We got chattin to Ashley...

Why do you like playing Fast5 Netball?

Fast5 Netball is very fast yet easy to pick up and adaptable to all skill levels, with dropping the wings all players are able to move freely around the court and become involved in setting up the game play, or locking down their opponent on defense.

Have you played regular 7 aside, and how do you prefer Fast 5 Netball?

I played 7 a side netball a lot when I was younger in the and even represented the Navy against the combined services a few times, I started playing as I thought it would be a great way to meet women....hahaha! I prefer 5 a side though because of the games speed and the ability to get involved, its generally a lot more fun and not as serious as 7 a side.

Is there a stigma about men playing Netball, what do you think of that?

There is a stigma about men playing netball and my general response to men that knock it is to ask them if they've ever played? Generally the answer is no. 

I've played AFL, Rugby and Basketball all at representative levels and Netball is equally as challenging as they all are and if you're willing to try Fast5 Netty then you're able to apply the skills that have been learnt from other sports into the game and make it you're own.

Then we spent a few minutes picking Rob's brain...

 Why do you like playing Fast5 Netball?

I like playing Fast5 because of the pace, its not like Touch football or soccer, with short bursts of activity, Fast5 is all action right from the moment the whistle is blown.

Have you played regular 7 aside, and how do you prefer Fast 5 Netball?

Before playing Fast5 with UR I had only played Netball in high school, and considered it a sport for girls.

Is there a stigma about men playing Netball, what do you think of that?

There's a huge stigma attached to Netball and male participation, many people, both male and female scoff/laugh when I tell them I play. Until 18 months ago I thought the same, It wasn't until I started playing that I realised the importance of strategy and personal fitness.

If you think this sounds like a bit of you. Then join us for the upcoming season of Fast5 Netball. We are taking teams, as well as individuals. You don't need to know the rules, just come along, and our staff can teach you everything you need to know. Find out more, and how to register online here. 

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