Covid 19 & Community Sport - UR
Dec 15

Covid 19 & Community Sport - UR

December 15, 2021 - 3 years ago

Updated 15.12.2021

With the newly released NSW Gov Covid-19 Business & Community restriction guidelines we have updated our policy going forward until such a time as we need to amend again.

Our interpretion on the easing of restrictions is that, sport is now accessible to all, regardless of vaccination status, players and staff are no longer required to check in or show a proof of vaccination.

We believe that there is still a public responsibility to uphold during these times so we will continue to provide the opportunity for players to still use QR codes to check in and out if they wish, we will also continue to sanitize balls and equipment throughout the evening. Hand sanitizer will be available at all leagues and we still resepctfully ask that large crowds do not gather to spectate the games.

**Please note if you do not wish to check in, that is entirely your choice going forward.

Our staff will continue to sign in as they are present for the entire evening.

The following statement was released in regards to C-19 and community sport.

“Sport, exercise and outdoor gatherings

General rules

Anyone can participate in sport, exercise, and outdoor gatherings. 

  • Customers are not required to be fully vaccinated or carry vaccination evidence.
  • COVID-19 Safe Check-in is not required (except at gyms).
  • Face masks are not required.

Businesses are no longer required to have a COVID-19 Safety Plan.

Optional COVID-19 Safety Plans are available to help businesses keep a safe environment for staff and customers. 

Community sport

Community sports, including matches, competitions and training, can take place for all staff, spectators and participants.”

Here is a link to the entire press release – UPDATED C-19 Restrictions NSW

If you have any questions what so ever please contact [email protected]

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Urban Rec Turns 10
Nov 11

Urban Rec Turns 10

November 11, 2021 - 3 years ago


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Summer Party Cart
Oct 31

Summer Party Cart

October 31, 2021 - 3 years ago

Theres plenty of reasons to celebrate at the moment, and being back at sport is just one of the things that makes this Summer good. We wanna gift one lucky team this epic Beach Cart and it is FULL of goodies. It’s a lot. 

All you need to do is register in the 7 day period of Mon 1 Nov till Sun 7  Nov and this huge bopper, could be yours. 

  • 1 x 200kg Steel Mesh Beach Cart.
  • 1 x 25L Esky
  • 4 x 3ft Fireball Floaties
  • 1 x Instant Pop-up Beach Tent
  • 6 in 1 Beach Sports kit
  • 6 x Ur Bucket Hats
  • 6 x UR Stubbie Holders
  • 1 x Sand Castle Building Kit
  • 1 x Picnic Mat
  • 1 x Large Round Beach Towle
  • 1 x Monster Water Cannon
  • 3 x Batch Brewing Frisbee
  • 2 x Beach Balls
  • 2 x Gladiator Battle Sticks
  • 6 x 750ml Sparkling Cuvee
  • 12 x 200ml Fireball Whiskey Bottles
  • 16 x 330ml Wayward Hard Seltzers
  • 20 x 375ml Moondog "Beer Cans"
  • 24 x 375ml Grifter Pink Galah Sours
  • 6 x 375ml Fizzer Tropical Seltzers
  • 6 x 375ml Moondog Lager
  • 6 x 375ml Hawkes Patio Ale
  • 6 x 375ml Young Henrys Cloudy Cider
  • 6 x 375ml Young Henrys Newtowner
  • 6x 375ml Young Henrys Natural Lager
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Urban Rec Return to Sport!
Sep 20

Urban Rec Return to Sport!

September 20, 2021 - 3 years ago

Urban Rec – Return to sport, what does it look like?

Do we need to be vaccinated to play? –  The state government are imposing mandatory double vaccination for participation, making it illegal for unvaccinated members to participate in sports & recreation.We are working to ensure we have QR codes at every venue/field/oval etc to enable our members to check in for all games, this ensures we are meeting the government guidelines, and keeping you safe. Just as Pubs, cafes, restaurant etc have been doing for a while now.

When are we coming back? – After analysing the most recent information provided by The NSW government, it is our aim to resume/launch leagues as soon as 70% statewide vaccination rate has been achieved. Our current programming has estimated this to happen around October 18. Key thing to note is the classification of “Adult Recreational Sport” vs “Community Club Sport”. Urban Rec is classified as an Adult Recreational Sports Provider, not a community sport club. The reason it is vital to differentiate between the two is the participation demographic. Urban Rec does not provide sport to Juniors/Children.State & Federal government health officials have deemed the return of community sport as higher risk due to the perceived dangers of high volumes of unvaccinated minors/juniors gathering to play sport. Hence the delayed return for schools and community sport.Urban Rec does not have the same perceived risk as community sport as all members are adults (18+) and each member will have to check in via QR code, which we expect will also include verified vaccination proof.

How will leagues be different? - In addition to this, all gatherings (both indoor and out) will be kept to group size of maximum 20 members with the 4sqm rule never to be exceeded. (our sports field/courts provide much more than 4sqm per member, as we have to allow for player movement, for example using a netball courts dimensions and the 4sqm rule would allow 112 players, we allow 14.) Urban Rec will maintain all other previous measures including cleanliness of kits. 

I was playing with Urban Rec when we went into lockdown, what is happening to my games? If you were a current and participating member, your games will be scheduled to go ahead in line with Public Health Orders, and new personal Covid restrictions. There is a chance due to venue and facility availability, we will need to change locations for some of our leagues. Your schedule may be subject to change in the future as we welcome some new teams to join into your league if capacity allows. 

What if some of my teammates are not vaccinated? Can they still play when leagues recommence? This decision is going to be taken out of our hands and will be part of NSW Public Health Orders. The short answer is, no. You should look to replace these team members, and contact your League Manager if you have any issues. 

What if some of my teammates are not double vaccinated, can they still play when leagues recommence? This is something we are waiting on NSW Health to confirm and provide clarity on. 

I was not playing previously, but I would like to start - Great! We have new leagues starting in October, November and December, and there will be opportunities to join existing leagues where capacity allows us to get as many eligible members playing sport in a safe and social environment. 

Any questions please contact [email protected]

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New Leagues

September 16, 2021 - 3 years ago

Coming out of lockdown, we are going to be BIGGER and BETTER!!! How? You may ask?! Let me introduce you to our NEW LEAGUES - New Locations, New People, New equipment, all with the exact same Fun as any other Urban Rec League.

Have you been living in the East travelling far and wide to Urban Rec Leagues? Have you been waiting ever so patiently for Urban Rec to come to you? Well guess what? YOU ARE IN LUCK!!!

FIVE (Yes, that’s right five) New Leagues across differing days, sports, and locations for anyone in the East to enjoy.

Breakout Touch Football North Bondi Monday 

Touch Footy and the east go hand in hand, and we have the perfect location for you to enjoy. Cue Hugh Bamford reserve: would there be anything better on a Monday Summer evening playing touch footy with your mates with an ocean view? I think not.

Breakout Outdoor Soccer North Bondi Tuesday 

Soccer Players, no need to get jealous, we have the exact same experience for you just one day closer to the weekend LOL. Please implement all your tricks, skills and laughs with the ocean breeze of Hugh Bamford Reserve.

Breakout Outdoor soccer Mascot Tuesday 

Boralee Park is the new fortress for outdoor soccer leagues. Experience all the trickery, laughs with mates and all the goals at our new stomping ground for soccer lovers.

Breakout Touch Footy Mascot Wednesday 

Boralee Park doesn’t stop there, it will provide Touch Footy as well. Being one of our biggest sports here at Urban Rec, there is no reason why this touch footy league won’t launch through the roof. 

Breakout Multisport Bondi Wednesday 

Are you into touch footy, soccer and MORE! Don’t worry we have you covered. Experience a list of differing sports per week at our New Multisport League in Bondi. Waverly Council Courts is the perfect place to learn something new and have a laugh while doing so.

We are hella excited to launch these new leagues and cannot wait to see what the East of Sydney brings to the partay! Super pumped for you guys to join our biggest breakout season yet.

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The BreakOut Season! What is it?
Aug 31

The BreakOut Season! What is it?

August 31, 2021 - 3 years ago

Breakout Season, what is it? … Well, let me tell ya!

Our old mate Covid-19 has put waste to the seasonal structure we used to hold so dear, a structure you could literally set your watch to!

With some Autumn seasons paused, some Winter seasons postponed and our mission to honour all memberships, we have decided that whatever the weather, the first season will be called THE BREAKOUT SEASON.

We’ve been locked up, now we are gonna Break Out!

Once we are out, we are going to aim to deliver our biggest and best season yet.

  • More member perks.
  • Extra clubhouses & deals.
  • More venues.
  • More leagues.
  • Better smelling hosts.
  • Fun social events.
  • Hilarious and engaging social media content.

We will be having a Sydney-wide promotion to replace the second phase of winter priority registration. There will be a week where all Breakout leagues will be open for everyone and anyone that registers in that week will be in the hat with a chance to win $1000 Sponsor Clubhouse Pub Crawl for you team!


During the promotion any TEAM that enters will be entered into the draw to win the prize. To be eligible a registration must be completed in full by the closing date of the promotional week. Deposit will be eligible as long as the deposit and balance are paid within the 7 day period. All full Individual team squads will also be entered.

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On-Going Covid Response.
Jun 21

On-Going Covid Response.

June 21, 2021 - 3 years ago

REviewed 01/09

Updated 26/08

Hey everyone,

Danny here checking in again… What a very long 7 days its been! FML – Although the 7 day lock down has turn into 3 months, our mission is still the same. We still intend to provide sport to each and every one of you and honour all registrations by resuming play as soon as we are cleared by State and Federal government.

All of our leagues have been paused not cancelled. As soon as we get the green light from the guys and gals in power we will deliver our leagues safely and promtply.

You can find the state and federal gov public order guidlines here.

All seasons that were paused will resume once safe to do so. Any registrations made for a season yet to start will simply be delayed until safe to launch. Bottom line all leagues will be back up and running as soon as safe to do so.

In the mean time… do ya like trivia?… We have a engineered a great evening of fun and facts with our main man BananaRaja at the helm. LOCKED UP TRIVIA **sang in the voice of Akon** You can play in teams or individually, there are spot prizes delivered to you door, theres beers, wines, singing, dancing and heaps more! Sounds good? Register / More Info HERE

As soon as the the situation changes, so will this blog. Any significant updates will be taken into consideration and the blog will be amended.

Stay cool



Wow, two updates in 24 hours – With Lockdown extended until 30th July, not ideal for us but we are staying positive and planning for an amazing comeback season!

Everything from yesterday’s update still applies and that is why I have copy and pasted it today lol...EVEN THE FIREBALL FIFA!

We are keeping our ears to the ground in the hope that we may pick up any new info in regards to any further restrictions to community rec sport once the lockdown is lifted.

As soon as we know, and have an action plan, you will all be informed. – All games will be honored/rescheduled for every team.

BORED? Wanna play a game?...without leaving the house?…

fireball fifa – register here.

Our famous E-leagues are back – Fifa, Play station, Xbox. 

Play online against other UR members, League structure, Fun Points, Prizing. The full league experience.

Gaming Vouchers, Fireball and UR merch to be won… and it’s free to join!


Take care


I’m still here, thinking of you all.

Stay at home order has continued until Friday 16th July, at the earliest . Figners crossed for a down turn in new cases and a release from lockdown.

We are keeping our ears to the ground in the hope that we may pick up any new info in regards to any further restrictions to community rec sport once the lockdown is lifted.

As soon as we know, and have an action plan, you will all be informed. – All games will be honored/rescheduled for every team.

BORED? Wanna play a game?...without leaving the house?…

Our famous E-leagues are back – Fifa, Play station, Xbox. 

Play online against other UR members, League structure, Fun Points, Prizing. The full league experience.

Gaming Vouchers, Fireball and UR merch to be won… and it’s free to join!


Take care



Residential lockdown pertaining to the entire Greater Sydney area has meant we have had no choice but to postpone leagues for the duration of the lock down period.

We expect and hope that we will be returning to play on Sunday 11th July onwards. All games during this period will be rescheduled.

This blog will be updated with and restrictions or added proctection we put in place to keeo everyone safe as the situation develops. 

Thank you for your ongoing support, lets hope this 2 weeks is a enough of a circuit breaker and we can get back out there.




Hey Guys, Me again.

As you will all undoubtedly be aware a large group of Sydney Suburbs and Municipalities have been placed into lockdown as of 12am, Midnight tonight 25/06/21. 

We understand that those suburbs make up a huge number of our member base and see it as only fair we suspend all leagues not just the leagues in affected areas. 

This current lockdown is set for 7 days, so in accordance with this we will be suspending all leagues during this period.

At the end of this period we will review the situation.

Please note that this is a postponment not a cancellation. All games will be rescheduled.

Fingers crossed we speed through this week and get back to breathing fresh air and havung fun.

Have the best week you can,

Til next time


Updated 23/06

As in stands in light of the latest government restrictions, all leagues are still safe to go ahead.

We are deemed a “controlled outdoor gathering” – This means we must comply with our original covidsafe plan and the 2sqm rule, to put into persepcting the 2sqm rule 130 people would be allowed on a tennis court.

As always we continue to monitor the situation closely and will always keep you all updated if anything changes.

You DO NOT have to wear a mask if you do not want to. It is completely your choice, NSW Community sport has not been restricted any further than the previous update.

We comply with the current covid safe government plan, and therefore constitute a "controlled outdoor gathering" which is restricted to 1 person per 2 square meter rule, or a maximum of 5000 people. (a tennis court is 260 square meters).

We will continue to defer default fees if any member/team does not wish to play. Please just let us know with as much notice as possible.

You can find NSW Gathering Restrictions HERE.



Hey Everyone,

Due to the small spike in covid cases seen in the recent days/week we just wanted to take a quick moment to explain our stance and response to the situation.

Firstly we would like it to be noted that we are constantly monitoring the situation and take all of our directive from the state & federal government and health agencies. This is a fluid issue that we are being reactive with.

We will endeavor to diligently adhere to our Covid Clean Policy at all of our leagues – you can view the Covid Policy Here.

In addition to the above please know that we respect each members choice as to whether or not to take part in their game, during this period of uncertainty we will not be issuing any default fees but we do ask that if you or your team are not planning on playing that you give us as much notice as possible so we can facilitate another game for your opposition.

If the situation changes, so will our response. 

Take care


General Manager Sydney

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Mates Day!
May 3

Mates Day!

May 3, 2021 - 3 years ago

Urban Rec is all about connecting people through sport. Our individual teams are THE BEST way to make new mates in this city. This week, we wanna celebrate all the NEW MATES you guys have met through playing with Urban Rec!!

Here’s how individual teams work. Urban Rec opens individual teams into most of our leagues before the season begins. On a first come, first serve basis teams fill up with like-minded, fun-loving individuals. Once the team is full, it gets entered the league. There are TONS of member perks that come as part of being and UR member as well as playing in an individual team.

Most of our individual teams end up developing their own identities and become part of the Urban Rec family.  It is a great way to meet some people, have some fun and get active.

See the individual FAQ’s 

So, it’s Mates Day this Saturday (May 8) – and we wanna see you guys getting together with your mates from Urban Rec! This week, if you and your teammates get together for some food or a bevvy, tag us (@urbanrecaus) – and we will get you a sixer at your league next week!

Share the love for #matesday and if you can’t see your mates face to face, call someone and tell them. “I love you mate”.

Don’t take our word for it… Here’s Claire.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4 days ago

Hands down the best way to meet new friends through signing up as an individual and joining any team/league. Absolute legends that run the show and awesome people playing in every comp. Down to earth people who are also down for the pub! What else could you want from social sport! 😄⭐️

See more reviews

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Priority Registration Autumn 2021 - $1000 Airbnb Voucher
Mar 4

Priority Registration Autumn 2021 - $1000 Airbnb Voucher

March 4, 2021 - 4 years ago

Hey Everyone,

Just wanted to take 5 and explain my reasoning behind our choice of Priority Registration prize this Autumn season.

If you didn’t already know we are giving away $1000 Airbnb voucher to one lucky team to enjoy.

Last year, as everyone is aware bush fires ripped through Australia causing devastation, so many regional NSW communities were by destroyed and the battle to rebuild these communities continues today. A lot of these small towns and villages rely massively on tourism

We would love the winners of the priority registration prize to consider using the voucher to take them and their team on a regional NSW getaway, and whilst there drink local, eat local, buy local, and in so doing maybe our little Urban Rec community can give a small something back to a struggling community.

Good luck to you all, this is a great chance to getaway with your bestest sporting buddies, make some memories whilst making a little difference to the world.

T&C’s – To be eligible for entry into the priority registration pool, a team must –

  1. Register during priority registration week (Mon 5th – Mon 12th April) – No late comers.
  2. Be registered back into the same league they had played in the season before. (No transfers)
  3. IF using the deposit system, the BALANCE must be paid before end of priority registration week (Mon 12th April)
  4. For any other additional information and FAQs please see HERE.
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Urban Rec Love Story 2021
Feb 14

Urban Rec Love Story 2021

February 14, 2021 - 4 years ago

Love is grand. We all know it. Hey you, don’t be cynical! This year we let our romantic side run wild and decided to sit down and have a chat with ONE OF MANY Urban Rec love stories. 

So, we had a chat with Sunny, who  – through being an Urban Rec host, met his current girlfriend, Tamara. We asked him to share a little bit about his experience of working for and then finding love though Urban Rec!

How long have you been hosting with UR, what sport do you host?

I’ve been hosting for around 1 year (although COVID was a factor). I’ve done roughly 2 full seasons though of touch and host Wed, Thurs and Sun on  the regular now.

How did you meet Tamara and how long have you been dating?

We met at the UR staff party back in July (31st to be exact) and went on a date literally one week after. Guess things went well cause she didn’t leave  me for the whole weekend haha! And we’ve kinda been seeing each other ever since.

How do you have time to see each other when you're hosting all the time?

We definitely make time to see each other and spend most nights together. We either host / play near the same venue or are lucky in that we have the same nights off so can see each other.

What's your favourite sport to play and host?

Love touch through and through. I started my UR ‘career’ playing touch in an indie team as I wanted to get back into sport and then somehow  transitioned into hosting. It’s what I know best and I love the fast paced nature of it.

Tell us why online dating sucks? (if you know?)

You can’t get a true sense of character of someone over the internet, so much harder to break the ice and actually strike up a convo.

Do you think UR is a good place to meet potential suitors (for members and staff)?

Most definitely, you meet a wonderful variety of people and the clubhouses are a great way to get to know both your teammates (esp if you’re an indie  team) and other teams that are there. There are so many wonderful people part of the UR family you’re bound to meet someone you connect  with!

Whats your favourite thing about Tamara?

Honestly everything. She’s a ball of fun to be around and one of the sweetest persons. We can talk easily with each other and bounce off each other.

One weird/quirky/funny thing about Tamara?

She twitches while she falls asleep and sometimes wakes herself up by doing it! It’s adorable, cute, and quite funny at the same time. She’s also wildly competitive and CANNOT handle losing in any capacity, drives her mental and won’t talk to me!

Are you looking to meet new people in Sydney through sport? Join Urban Rec as an individual and get matched with a whole team of like minded individuals. There’s no promises here, maybe you will just make some great friends, but hey – maybe there’s more waiting. 

Click here to see our current availabilities on individual teams. 

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