Priority Registration Autumn 2021 - $1000 Airbnb Voucher
March 4, 2021 - 4 years ago
Hey Everyone,
Just wanted to take 5 and explain my reasoning behind our choice of Priority Registration prize this Autumn season.
If you didn’t already know we are giving away $1000 Airbnb voucher to one lucky team to enjoy.
Last year, as everyone is aware bush fires ripped through Australia causing devastation, so many regional NSW communities were by destroyed and the battle to rebuild these communities continues today. A lot of these small towns and villages rely massively on tourism
We would love the winners of the priority registration prize to consider using the voucher to take them and their team on a regional NSW getaway, and whilst there drink local, eat local, buy local, and in so doing maybe our little Urban Rec community can give a small something back to a struggling community.
Good luck to you all, this is a great chance to getaway with your bestest sporting buddies, make some memories whilst making a little difference to the world.
T&C’s – To be eligible for entry into the priority registration pool, a team must –
- Register during priority registration week (Mon 5th – Mon 12th April) – No late comers.
- Be registered back into the same league they had played in the season before. (No transfers)
- IF using the deposit system, the BALANCE must be paid before end of priority registration week (Mon 12th April)
- For any other additional information and FAQs please see HERE.