Flag Gridiron - Summer 18 Seasonal Wrap Up - Urban Rec
March 1, 2018 - 7 years ago
There is a first time for everything, and this season, we felt there was SO MUCH going on in the flag gridiron community that we had to send a seasonal wrap-up for all our leagues! So here it goes... We would love to hear back from you to see if you enjoyed this little written throw-back in time, and if you think we should do seasonal wrap-up’s in the future as well!
As we move into the Autumn and Winter, our Inner West and Eastern Suburbs leagues are preparing for the migration to a new home.
- Monday and Thursday night leagues (Inner West) will move to Camdenville Park (we have previously played here, and despite West Connex threatening to take the park, it is ours for the foreseeable future!). It has good amenities, and is super close to St. Peters train station! We will also be adding a new Clubhouse for this location - The Botany View Hotel.
- Tuesday night league (Eastern Suburbs) will move to ES Marks - Centennial Park (this is our previous venue, with expected upgrades to the lighting, which we look forward to!). The facilities are premium, and certainly make you feel like you are playing with a under-the-lights stadium experience!
If you missed....shame on you! The day was EPIC, and was a great opportunity to get some new teams into the flag gridiron community. In fact, the 'Beginners' Division SOLD OUT 1st, with the 'Intermediate' Division lolly-gagging a little....The half-time show was next-level entertaining, with some of the best TD celly's we have ever seen! Congrats to our Superbowl Sunday tourney winners PEANUT GALLERY and HAILY MARY'S! The 'NFL Combine' was a super fun way to check out some of the speed and agility being represented in our leagues.
We have had TONS of requests to get a league started for our peeps up North! With field availability being so scarce, we have the idea to run a Sunday afternoon flag gridiron league in Cammeray. NOW - WE NEED TO HEAR FROM YOU NORTHERNERS! Would you be interested in playing on a Sunday afternoon league, closer to home?! Shoot us a line back, and let us know if you think we should take a gamble!
We are stoked to bring flag gridiron to Canberra! We had hesitations, but there was a clear demand, and we launched with 8 strong teams registering to play American Gridiron! Whoop whoop! There is a 2-week field closure upon us soon, but the league is getting better every single week, which makes us feel excited about the future of the sport in Canberra!
We have had a few rule variations flying around, but we have tightened our flag belts to make sure all the leagues are playing with the same rules. Here are some quick summaries for you.
- Minimum 1-2 females to play -> depending on the league, the minimum # of females may be 1 or 2. Make sure you check if your league is a minimum of 1 or 2 females on the field.
- Using females to play -> to stop male-dominated teams from not including their female teammates appropriately in the games, all females must be involved in each drive at least once.
- Steamboats and rushing the QB -> your Event Host will be calling our 'steam-boats' to signify the time (after 3 steamboats) allowed until the defense can rush the QB.
If you have played flag gridiron at all in the last 5 years, you will most likely have been hosted by our fave man - Bart. A huge upset in the Urban Rec flag gridiron community, as Bart is spreading his wings and making the move to Melbourne for work. He has been an integral part of the success of this sport in Sydney. He has a genuine way of cooling down the heated players, and simplifying the rules for our new teams and players. He is going to be sorely missed. If you see him over the next week, give him a huge dose of your love and appreciation!
We tried to separate the leagues in the Inner West into a 'recreational/intermediate' league and an 'intermediate' league. No success. The people have spoken. Both Monday and Thursday night leagues will be offered as 'recreational/intermediate' leagues. This means your team will play each team once, and then there will be a top and a bottom half of the table for the re-seeding part of the season.
The show must go on. We are actively looking for an Event Host to take over our Tuesday night league in Centennial Park in Sydney. This is a GREAT opportunity to get involved in the sport, meet new people and get paid to have a fun-tastic time! If you think you might be interested, shoot us an email letting us know why you would be a stellar person for the job!
That's all for now folks! Please let us know if you enjoyed our cheeky little season wrap-up! If you have any suggestions, questions or comments, never hesitate to shoot us an email – [email protected]
NEXT SEASON DETAILS (AUTUMN) – want to play Flag Gridiron?
- Mondays at St Peters – Mon 9 April – Register
- Tuesdays at Centennial Park – Tue 3 April – Register
- Thursdays at St Peters – Thu 19 April – Register
- Thursdays in Braddon (next season Winter)
- Sundays in Cammeray – May – Register your interest