How to win a $1,000 Bar Tab
February 27, 2020 - 5 years ago
The problem is Captains never get the credit they deserve. They are always hustling to get everyone to pay, they have to do all kinds of horrific maths, and quite often they can end up short changed. WHATS WORSE, if you captain is disorganised they can miss out on rego, and you can be shunted from the league.
Pri-rego is how we guarentee your spot. It’s ONLY for teams that play already and it’s a chance to lock in their spot ahead of the general public. It’s a good thing – but to make it better, we always try and reward the Captains that make the effort to be organised.
THIS SEASON (AUTUMN 2020) WE WENT CRAY. We approached 10 of our clubhouses across Sydney and got you a $1,000 BAR TAB. There is only ONE, and last season we had only 66 teams using pri-rego, so your odds are good.
How to enter
- Use Pri-Rego, by accessing the link provided to you and your team mates in week 7, 8, 9 (no excuses for missing it)
- Pay in full – sorry not for new teams or deposits
- We will be collating your team name in a bucket, and on April 30*, we will draw and announce the winners.
Can you enter late, if you miss the pri-rego deadline? No, that would be silly.
Can you change into another league using pri-rego? Not techincally, but email us within your pri-rego period and we will see what we can do.
This story is going to end very well for a lucky group of friends who will experience either a) the biggest day/night ever, or b) the most distance covered in a pub crawl.